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By Chen Wei-han / Staff reporterThe Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) called on the Chinese and Hong Kong governments to ensure democracy and autonomy in Hong Kong after a draft letter from disqualified Hong Kong legislator-elect Yau Wai-ching (游蕙禎) to President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) was published on Tuesday.The Chinese-language Liberty Times (the Taipei Times’ sister newspaper) published the draft letter by Yau, which called on Tsai to qualify Taiwan’s stance on sovereignty of Hong Kong’s New Territories, before Yau and her Youngspiration party later retracted the letter.Yau wrote that the New Territories had been “stolen by China for 19 years” when a convention signed between the UK and the Qing Dynasty that leased the New Territories to the UK expired in 1997, the report said.Taiwan, which has the original copy of the convention and another two treaties concerning the cession of Hong Kong and Kowloon, should clarify its stance on the New Territories “under the framework of the Republic of China Constitution,” the draft letter said.An interpretation of Hong Kong’s Basic Law by the Chinese National People’s Congress on Nov. 7, which barred Yau and legislator-elect Sixtus “Baggio” Leung (梁頌恆) from taking office, was a breach of the 1984 Sino-British Joint Declaration, the sole legal basis for China’s claim of sovereignty over Hong Kong, the letter said.The declaration deals only with the sovereignty of Hong Kong Island and the Kowloon Peninsula, but not the New Territories, so Taiwan should have a say on their status, Yau wrote.Yau originally planned to read the letter in a live Facebook video, but scrapped the plan amid the fallout after the publication of the letter.Yau wrote on Facebook that the letter was an abandoned draft, but she did consider writing a letter to Tsai to engage the president on China’s interpretation of the Basic Law and the “collapse of ‘one country, two systems.’”She apologized for causing the misunderstanding to the Liberty Times and all Hong Kongers, adding that she would not act recklessly, as she values Hong Kong’s and Taiwan’s relationship.The DPP on Tuesday said the party supports Hong Kongers in their pursuit of democracy and freedom.The DPP called on the Hong Kong government to listen to the public and seek to develop a harmonious political environment.The DPP also urged the Chinese government to honor its pledge of maintaining a high degree of autonomy in Hong Kong under the “one country, two systems” framework and to engage Hong Kongers with respect over their pursuit of democracy and freedom.新聞來源:TAIPEI TIMES
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(中央社記者鄭景雯台北10日電)2016金點設計論壇將於12月1日在松菸誠品B2表演廳登場,今年金點設計論壇主軸為「設計觀點」,邀請佐藤大、馬丁克萊森、毛灼然、黃謙智等國內外設計師,激盪不同設計想像。 2016金點設計論壇邀請4位講者,首場將由日本設計鬼才佐藤大登場,顯少對外公開演講的他,將分享「日本:嚴謹與幽默的衝撞」主題,是機會難得的高含金量演說。 後續由小智研發創辦人黃謙智、Milkshake設計工作室創辦人毛灼然、以及馬丁克萊森,分別探討「台灣:順應環境,讓價值循環」、「香港:360看見融合與衝突」、「瑞典:北歐設計,不簡單」的主題。 最後座談會以「華人設計定義觀點」為主軸,與會者有黃謙智、毛灼然及馬丁克萊森,並由仁寶電腦創新設計本部副總經理陳禧冠主持,透過來自世界各地的設計師提出不同對話,激盪出華人設計的多樣論述。 佐藤是nendo設計事務所主持設計師及創辦人,活躍於建築、室內、產品及平面等設計領域,是日本近年來最受矚目的國際級設計大師。他擅長在日常生活的小細節,設計出意想不到的驚喜。今年8月佐藤大與nendo團隊在松山文創園區舉辦亞洲首次設計展,極具創意的設計作品,獲得熱烈好評。 佐藤大同時也受邀擔任今年金點設計獎評審團主席,凡事親力親為的他,對於每件作品謹慎評選,可以看出既務實又獨特的設計思考模式。 2016金點設計論壇將於12月1日上午在松菸誠品B2表演廳舉辦。1051110
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